Mantaho ist dafür


Wir sehen vieles im Gegenüber, was wir in uns selbst tragen Doch hinzu: es steckt mehr dahinter, hinter Jedem von uns, als der eine Moment den wir in dem anderen sehen. Am Ende hat es jeder von uns in seiner Hand, was wir aus der Vielfältigkeit machen. Persönlich wie global. We Are One.

Alle von uns kennen es wie wir unsere Innere Welt auf unseren gegen über projizieren und wir alle kennen es nur zu gut wie es ist in Schubladen geschoben zu werden. Das leichteste Beispiel: wenn wir uns innerlich echt gut fühlen nehmen wir unser Umfeld auch viel freudiger und schöner war.

Ein Mädchen – Ein Medium – 12 Ihr Gegenüber, die ihr sagen was sie denn ist – Fremdbilder, die sie überlagern - sie verschwindet - Ein Nein - zu all den ganzen einzelnen Stimmen - Unverständnis - sie äußert sich – Ein Ja zu dem Ganzen – Annahme – Alle tun Ihr gleich - Ich bin ALLEs – Von Jedem ein Teil - und Ein „WIR SIND EINS" ; zeigen wie wir auf die verschiedensten Art und Weisen miteinander verbunden sind und wie wir lernen können unseren Gegenüber, so anders er auch ist, in Freude zu akzeptieren, zu verstehen und von ihm zu lernen. Und wie wir dadurch, dass wir verstehen, dass wir eins sind/die Gleichen Wurzeln und Bedürfnisse haben, unser Eins-Sein in allen Farben und Klängen freudig zusammen gestellten können. Persönlich wie global.

I am Everything – WE ARE ONE   Shows, that we are connected in different ways.   All of us know how it is, when we project our own inner world onto other persons and we all know how it feels when others put a label onto you. But it constrikts us we want to feel free !

A girl – a medium – 12 persons as her counterparts, who tell her how they perceive her - they superpose her until...she vanishes – A No – incomprehension – A Yes- to All – and all the otheres agree – I am EVERYTHING– A piece of each – and WE ARE ONE –

show, how we are connected in so many different ways and how we also could accept and learn from us and our counterparts in a happy way. By all the diverstity and the understanding of We Are One, we could regogniz that it is importand to respect us like the others arund you, that it is in our hands what we make of our know and oure future and : By accepting- that we all have the same roots and needs that are often quite similar – we could creat our Unity and Difersity in all different colours and sounds with joy. By sharing and learning from and with each other– personally and global. And in the end every one of us holds it in theire own hand.

Inspiration : nummero uno:

  1. „Dont judge me"  it shows us how we judge people just because of superficialities. But behind each of us is even more than one of us can imagine. For example: minute 00:57: „Are you sure, you judge him right?“ We see the persons how we want to see them, but I really like to see if you realizes that you judge the man with the car and mobile unfair . So the video doesn't ask if this man is judging the man on the ground wrong, but it asks US if we judge him wrong. I think yes many of us, i think most of usif we see people in suits and with mony but the truth is that behind everybody is more than we see in one moment. So we cannot put each other in boxes- that is soemething wonderful – Thanks for your work- it fits with my thougts!  

  2. "Our idea of Europe"  We have different trees like the way of lifing with even more different leaves but from the structure we are the same: we all have roots and a trunk and leaves and we all stand side by side of each other on the earth. We took it to symbolise that although we have different leaves, different ways of living, opinionsn, cultures, etc. we have the same roots. We all stand on mother earth and we all are breathing the same air. In and out. And so we could accept each other and maybe love. Loving all the diversity we have, to laern from each other and to create good life together. The small picture with the jung women is holding shows that all the 13 are standing together like trees with the different arms in the air like the leafs.

  3. "Dialouge for a better Europe" And yeah here is not everything working perfectly. We have many injustices in and between each state of Europe, like unemployed peoples and yes open boarders but are we really knowing each other or it is just a economic-union ? But we show what stands behind the political and economical aspects. We share a vision und the thought that „in the End it is in our Hands" how we create our Personal und interpersonal life. We have to care for what we think is important and right for us.  

In peace and love from Berlin!