Interesting storyline - it says a lot about living together in a community - maybe we could transmit the story to how we live in Europe with minorities. What do…
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I love the hands! We are all just little leaves but together we are a whole forest!
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Hello I don't speak Italian - what do you want to tell us? :)
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I am impressed by so many mmmhh, ahhh, ehhh,... it makes me feel as if Europe is very abstract.
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Wow, great video! What does each apple represent? Is it the different countries or is more the politics? Looking forward to your answer guys!
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Leoni Germany bearbeitete den Vorschlag Culture and Creativity
Cultural diversity enriches our life in Europe, shapes our everyday experiences and lifestyles as well as our perspectives on things. It is important to be open minded and ready to…
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Leoni Germany legte den Vorschlag Working and Learning an
As citizens of the European Union, we can study, work and live in any EU country we like. Programmes like Erasmus+ create great opportunities for us to take part in…
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Leoni Germany bearbeitete Argumente zu La pétanque à Paris
a new petanque video, fun! So, if this was the real situation, I would not post a video here. I would only put a discussion and tell you about my…
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Leoni Germany diskutierte La pétanque à Paris
a new petanque video, fun! So, if this was the real situation, I would not post a video here. I would only put a discussion and tell you about my…
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Leoni Germany diskutierte graffiti
small pics
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